
Friday, 26 September 2014

What am I doing with my Life?

I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with my life. I often get really caught up with responsibilities and all the things that I feel I should be doing. This means I rarely get a chance to do something just for me and think about what I want to do and cultivate my interests. Travel gives me the opportunity to take a step out from my life and do the things I really want to do. 

I love to travel and explore new places and discover interests. After a relatively long travel hiatus (due to school and work- boring obligatory things for the most part) I have recently started to free up some time for my travels. After all, I might not have the money for it now, but I definitely will not have the time for it later! Plus I realized I was wasting my present on things I don't really want to do. 

Here's the (next) dream.

I would like to go to Puerto Rico in the next year or two (sooner the better!). I feel like for a short 10 day trip, like the one I am planning I would prefer to go alone or with one friend. I am more likely to move out of my comfort zone and try new things when I travel alone though. Moreover, I find travelling with people can be very stressful and I don't want to compromise my enjoyment of a trip.

The Real Reason I Travel Alone

For the purpose of this assignment, I just chose a time in June for my tentative trip after I graduate. 

The main reason I have been wanting to go to Puerto Rico is for this beautiful biological phenomenon that only exists a few places in the world. (Yes, I am a biologist). 

Bioilluminescent Bay

Laguna Grande in Puerto Rico is one of the best sites to see a bioilluminescent bay in the world. Basically, there are organisms that glow when they are stimulated....amazing. I would literally go to Puerto Rico just to see this. However, if I am going, there are a few archaeological sites I would like to see and culture I would love to experience!

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